Bell Reveals Bell 429 Aircraft Laboratory for Future Autonomy Fly-by-Wire Operations

Fort Worth, TX (May 7, 2024) - Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, today revealed its Aircraft Laboratory for Future Autonomy (ALFA) based on the Bell 429 commercial aircraft. Developed by Bell's Advanced Programs team, ALFA is dedicated to performing flight maneuvers with an aircraft safety system and executing autonomous fly-by-wire flights. The fly-by-wire integration was a critical step in future development of autonomous controls for Bell’s commercial aircraft, an emerging technology that aims to reduce pilot workload and enhance safety.
“Fly-by-wire flight, coupled with additional capability that are being integrated into ALFA, provide a great foundation for Bell to expand on its autonomous capabilities,” said Jason Hurst, executive vice president, Engineering, Bell. “This aircraft will serve as a flying lab that will inform future autonomous technology development, which we can ultimately leverage to deliver the best rotorcraft solutions to global operators.”

ALFA’s aircraft safety system separates safety functions from flight control functions, allowing for rapid development and evaluation of novel flight control technology without compromising overall safety. The aircraft completed its first flight at Bell’s Commercial Assembly and Delivery Centre in Mirabel, Quebec, Canada and is now being used for further exploration at Bell’s Flight Research Center in Fort Worth, Texas.
Bell is committed to developing technology that will provide the best possible, advanced solution for current and future customers. Bell’s Advanced Programs team continues to explore technology development to elevate Bell’s products for our Commercial and Military customers.
About Bell
Visant toujours plus haut et toujours plus loin, depuis plus de 85 ans, nous réinventons l’expérience du vol en imaginant jusqu’où il pourrait nous mener.
Nous sommes des pionniers. Nous avons été les premiers à franchir le mur du son et à faire certifier un hélicoptère commercial. Nous avons pris part à la première mission de la NASA sur la Lune et nous avons mis en marché des systèmes de rotors basculants évolués. Aujourd’hui, nous façonnons l’avenir de la mobilité sur demande.
Nous sommes une société à part entière de Textron Inc. Notre siège social est situé à Fort Worth, au Texas, et nos établissements sont répartis stratégiquement partout dans le monde. Près d’un quart de nos effectifs ont servi dans les forces armées; il n’est donc pas étonnant que l’une de nos passions consiste à aider les militaires à accomplir leurs missions.
Nos innovations révolutionnaires permettent à nos clients de vivre des expériences incomparables marquées par l’efficacité, la fiabilité et par-dessus tout, la sécurité.
About Textron
Textron Inc. is a multi-industry company that leverages its global network of aircraft, defense, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell, Cessna, Beechcraft, Pipistrel, Jacobsen, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO, Arctic Cat, and Textron Systems. For more information, visit:
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